Our true business is to be happy.
Dalai Lama
Uncertain Entrepreneur #1:
You're leaving or losing your corporate job and you're trying to decide whether to take the plunge into entrepreneurship. You've always dreamed of owning your own business. You may even have a business plan on a shelf somewhere. But at night you're plagued by questions. You're ready, but you're not ready. Could I? Should I? What If?
Uncertain Entrepreneur #2:
You've just started your own business and it's been less than a year. You have a business plan, taken courses, read a ton of books -- you may even have an MBA. But at the end of the day you wonder where your next customer is going to come from. Deep down, you're not even completely sold on your own business. What am I doing wrong? I wish I had known ...
If you said yes to any of these scenarios, then you are an UNCERTAIN ENTREPRENEUR!
Forget the overflow of tapes, books and motivational speakers. You need someone live, one-on-one, up close and personal who has been where you are and can give you a step-by-step, comprehensive, guaranteed approach that will take you from UNCERTAIN to CERTAIN about how to start and run a business.
I will help you cut through your mental chatter, get to the core of what you REALLY want, and guide you along the way to experience the prosperous life you deserve using a powerful blend of both traditional and spiritual business building principles. With me you'll find caring, compassion and confidence around your unique journey. Click here for my story.
For a one-hour complimentary coaching consultation, please call Paula Quick at 804-363-5721. If you are CERTAIN that you want to attract more customers and make more money, then be CERTAIN to call Paula and learn more about her proven five-point Business Development System.
Click here for the full Uncertain Entrepreneur Quiz.

This page was last updated: February 13, 2008
Life Coaching,
Mentoring and Certification
Click here for a free copy of "Step Into Joy with Feet and Faith" or contact me for a special keepsake copy.
Paula Quick, Holistic Business Strategist
Quick Works Wellness, LLC
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Do you HAVE the entrepreneurial spirit but are UNCERTAIN about what business to be in?
Would you like to START a business but are UNCERTAIN about taking such a huge step?
Are you IN BUSINESS but UNCERTAIN on how to attract more customers and make more money?
If you are a Christian entrepreneur who has stepped out completely in faith to start your own business, then you are a Faith Entrepreneur or "Faithpreneur." You also will want to visit: